Chad Shower #1037, 2011

Why is when you think you have some things under control it always just seems to slip out of your grasp? I have been working non-stop to get this trip underway and it’s taking a lot more time then I ever imagined. It’s so dang much work. I am building some new PDF portfolios to put on line because some of the publishers want to have an on line submission for review first. No more than 50 pieces. So I have been working though the portfolio once again, which is taking more time then the first. Since I am such a perfectionist for presentation detail, it’s taken me all morning to get it ready. I now have created a cover letter and begin the submission process. It feels like my day has been obsessed with the process. I am up late at night networking and arranging all my contacts and finalizing details of the trip. It almost feels like I am going to cram every single moment with something. I must begin to pull back and take some time for myself. Everything is underway. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get it all done.

Today’s image is from the portfolio collection. This was an image I had originally rejected, but then when back through several months later and this image just leapt out at me and now I think it’s the best one from the entire series. I fell in love with all the textures here and the seeming depth that is created by the image. I used to sort my images and then discard all the ones I didn’t like in the first pass, completely delete them from my hard drive. But recently I have begun keeping them, because it’s surprising how you will see an image differently when you look though them at another time.

Today is dedicated to Alison; I know Chad is one of your favorite subjects. Thanks for all your help and support along this venture.

2 thoughts on “Chad Shower #1037, 2011

  1. Elizabeth Lister

    >Thanks so much, Terry. I adore this image. The fluffy, soft texture of the towel against those hard muscles … mmm. Yeah. Beautiful.

    Hugs and kisses, babe. You're on your way:)


  2. BDSpellman

    >While most of my images should probably be deleted, I keep them anyway. Ya never know. With yours, however, they're all great–and as you say, sometimes on revisiting a work, you see things you didn't before.



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