What’s in a profile and why is it important? I always thought that a website about naked men would most be just images and I assumed that’s all I really needed. A picture is worth a thousand words right? Well not necessarily so. Since I began working on this blog project in January, I am really seeing the power of the word and how it enhances what’s behind the image. Last month when I visited the Louvre in Paris, probably the world’s largest and certainly most famous museum, I found myself wandering through miles of galleries, looking at thousands of pieces of art. I am not completely ignorant when it comes to art and know many of the periods and movements and influences of those movements throughout art history. I am no expert by any means, but art is something I am passionate about. I was wondering through this awesome visual wonderland and I became increasingly disappointed by my lack of understanding of so much of what I was seeing. It would have been nice to have a little pop up come up on the images that I was most interested in that could have given me some insight into what I was seeing, why it was created, history of the artist, or the story behind the image. I am a person who craves to know more and understand the relationship of things and think everything has significance, relevance and meaning. Hence, creating this blog about my relationship to my favorite subject, the naked man, beautiful light and art.
As the new site is coming together I am seeing how import these profiles become to the optimization of the website but also to those interested in my artistry. I am now in what’s becoming an enjoyable part of the process of actually writing about all these subjects and giving them life and exploring their connecting them to me. At first I dreaded the possibility of having to write so much, but then I had to laugh, because at the beginning of the year I also dreaded the idea of writing something new every day, somehow it has all slipped out over the months and in many ways some of the writing has become as powerful if not more important as the images.
The brilliance of the internet is that we can now create these interactive galleries, where others can come and look at and learn from the images, it’s almost like taking the process of creation one step further into the dimension of art. We can now quickly gain a perspective of what the image is about: beginning with the image, then understanding the models relationship within the image, then the artist relationship to the model and the need to create the image, and finally the viewer relationship to all those components and their ability to also comment and contribute to the entire process. This has been the core of my goal from the beginning of creating the blog from the beginning, through the entire process and is now becoming my focus in creating “The Naked Man Project” website.
Once I am able to figure this out and establish the model of it existence for myself it will be easy to develop a network of other artist like myself, who perhaps have also been hidden for reluctant, who may be working on something similar in another remote part of the world. This will become a place where we can all interact and explore our fascination to naked man, sexuality, and life issues. Since I got a little long winded today describing the concept behind the project tomorrow I will put that into practice and you will see how it will all function. I will put my model Chad to the test to see what you think.